A Comparative Study of Economic Influence in the Framework of Supreme Leader's (Issue) and Information-Security Knowledge


1 PhD student in Economics, Member of Economic Studies Department of Imam Sadegh University of Technology

2 Assistant Professor Imam Bagher University

3 University lecturer and researcher, Master of Management


Due to the importance of dealing with the enemies of the Islamic system in such a dangerous field as the economy, which has been the subject of the revolution leader's (economic) war for many years, the present article is an applied research that provides the data needed The exploration method has been compiled. This article first extracts the context of the issue based on the manuscript of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution (Question), using Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis. Following the extraction of the model by descriptive-analytical method and considering the scientific literature in the field of economic information, it is noted that based on this literature, the use of power strategy has led to the formation of a soft method that is used to impose a strategy. Used to accomplish some commercial or economic control objectives. Indeed, the influence of economic strategy is a power-based strategy that utilizes multiple tools. In other words, economic strategic influence must be seen as a combination of direct, indirect and explicit actions that target individuals, economic groups and organizations, or economic sectors of governments, and seek to enhance credibility, influence, and guide decisions in the desired direction. The findings of the study indicate that based on a comparative study of information knowledge and the superiors of the Supreme Leader, the common chapter between these two areas of influence is that change in beliefs, behaviors, and guidance are desired. The new concept of "economic strategic influence" has been redefined with all its forms. In the context of this comparative study, economic strategic influence can be divided into two types: case and flow strategic influence. The outcome of the present study is to prioritize and rank six strategic economic influence cases including influence on active forces and decision makers and decision makers. Economic stagnation, weakening of economic foundations and disruption, focus on independence and dependence, diversification of economic management and lifestyle, economic sanctions and economic espionage


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