The context of the formation of regional alliances in West Asia after the changes in the Arab countries (2011-2023)

Document Type : Original Article


1 associate professor

2 ph d


Instability in the West Asian region and the increase in uncertainties and fluid coalitions have caused a large amount of the field of vision of political decision makers in the region to decrease. Based on this, the present article has been written using a combination of Walt's threat balance theory and Bauman's blue modernity theory as an alternative approach in understanding the roots of alliances in West Asia. According to the above topics, this article seeks to answer the question, on what basis do the Arab states of the West Asian region enter into alliances with each other, and what variables influence their alliances? The hypothesis of the research is presented as follows: the presence of threats (real or imagined) at different levels of analysis, increasing the feeling of insecurity in turbulent times such as the developments in Arab countries, determines the preferences of governments regarding regional cooperation and the formation of coalitions. In contrast, the influential variables in coalitions are regional and international conflicts and concern for political survival in Arab states. In the present study, the approach of descriptive-analytical research and its method is process research and sample research as qualitative research methods. Documentary and library sources and reliable sources in the field of regional politics have also been used in the collection of information.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 22 June 2024
  • Revise Date: 11 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 12 January 2025
  • Publish Date: 21 December 2024