The legacy of two decades of American presence in Afghanistan: The heavy costs of the people of Afghanistan and the region

Document Type : Original Article


America's strategies in the realization of the new world order at the beginning of the 21st century have had long-lasting and destructive effects, especially for Muslim countries. America started its plan to realize its global hegemonic structure by attacking and occupation of Afghanistan. Like the superpowers before it that occupied Afghanistan,America also did not have a detailed understanding of the people and conditions of Afghanistan and the fluid and complex relations of power in Afghanistan. America tried to mobilize its allies, including NATO and some countries in the region, and by relying on military power, Take control of this geostrategic region.
The control of this bridgehead could provide the United States with an effective pressure lever to influence developments in Central Asia, the Middle East, and South Asia, and also put pressure on the main competitors, especially Russia, China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. But things went in a different direction.


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