Middle East Regional Order focusing on Iran-Saudi relations; Describing the past, explaining the present and predicting the future

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Political Science/Tehran University

2 university of tehran


The upcoming research describes the past, explains the present and outlines the future of the security structure of the Middle East with an innovative approach and focusing on the patterns of conflict and cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Obviously, the main question of the research is, what effect has the regional rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia had on the security structure of the Middle East and how is the future of this structure affected by the rivalry between the two countries? The hypothesis that is proposed in the framework of the "Copenhagen Security School" and thinkers such as "Barry Buzan" and "Oli Weaver" in response to this question considers regional conflict and cooperation patterns as an important factor in the formation and evolution of the regional security structure. It seeks to prove the proposition that the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia has had a significant impact on regional security and is considered one of the main drivers of the new order in the Middle East. The research method is qualitative analysis using the process tracing method. The dependent variable of the research is the security structure of the Middle East and the independent variable is the patterns of conflict and cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia in certain historical periods. Therefore, the research method is focused on the causal sequence of events that have shaped the patterns of relations between the two countries and are naturally effective on the security structure of the Middle East.


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Volume 17, Issue 62 - Serial Number 1
Spring 2024
April 2024
Pages 45-64
  • Receive Date: 15 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 14 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 January 2024
  • Publish Date: 20 April 2024