Strategies for confronting the opposing currents of the soft subversive system of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 pasdar

2 ssgaf dksb

3 sfgsg hskanj

4 gfgh jhgj


The hidden and internal wing of some currents and foreign in various political, scientific, cultural, economic fields and in the form of cover with outward and populist slogans and by examining the intelligence and security institutions of the country, it is clear that these currents are evil thoughts. And they have an Islamic evil and they follow the system from change to subversion in a software and completely combined way to seize power. Since it must exist as a developmentalist and as a reformer, if it exists in conflict with the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran and may even be illegal, it indicates another purpose behind the scenes of this, I interpret it as software and this question in The mind takes over. What strategies are there to deal with these subversive currents and situations and what are the implementation strategies? Dealing with the various dimensions of this phenomenon and presenting suitable strategies to deal with it, I have taken care of the minds of sympathizers and those interested in the Islamic revolution. This research aims to present the strategies
 What are the strategies of J.A. Iran to deal with the opposing currents of subverting the system's software?
Using the opinions of different thinkers regarding the theories of revolution and subversion - from the SOAR methodology, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 58 experts identified by the snowball and brainstorming methods, and 18 strategies were identified to answer the mentioned questions. Is. has been achieved


Main Subjects

Smiley face

Volume 16, Issue 61 - Serial Number 4
Winter 2024
January 2024
Pages 225-257
  • Receive Date: 28 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 21 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 30 January 2024
  • Publish Date: 21 January 2024