A reading of the relationship between history and information; The role and impact of historical studies in the cognitive process of information

Document Type : Original Article


1 jamea university

2 jjjjj

3 Imam Hosain University


The upcoming article intends to examine the impact of history on that institution in accordance with the cognitive role of intelligence organizations. In the history of the evolution of human societies, information and awareness capacities are hidden, which can have a wide impact on advancing the tasks of intelligence institutions. These two are connected with each other from different aspects. Therefore, the question of the article is focused on the explanation of the impact of history on information institutions and it has been investigated with analytical and descriptive methods.
The findings of the article indicate that due to the developments of the new era, the capacity of information institutions. To the extent of facilitating, providing and realizing the cognitive role, the ability and sustainable role-making of the aforementioned devices is achieved. History; The living past, with its abundance of information and experiences, is one of the most important factors in providing the cognitive role of information institutions. Therefore, history should be regarded as the superior source of information. Paying attention to it is one of the most important factors that provides the ground for achieving information excellence and all-round aristocracy. Acquiring historical information and knowing the past helps intelligence forces and institutions not act in a vacuum in the process of policy making and decision making. Therefore, the methodical reference to the past and the conscious use of history provides valuable achievements and approaches for the above-mentioned devices, which, if inserted, cannot be compensated for by any other factor.


Main Subjects

Smiley face

Volume 16, Issue 61 - Serial Number 4
Winter 2024
January 2024
Pages 71-100
  • Receive Date: 26 June 2023
  • Revise Date: 27 September 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 January 2024
  • Publish Date: 21 January 2024