Securitization in the post-Copenhagen space

Document Type : Original Article




Securitization theory is one of the most widely used contemporary security theories, which has been used by researchers to explain various security phenomena and issues. This theory, which was first presented by the Copenhagen school, is still subject to modification and innovation to improve its practicality by covering its theoretical and operational weaknesses. Based on documentary studies, this article tries to explain some of these efforts and explain some of these innovations, which are known as "post-Copenhagen" theorists. The view of these thinkers on security is more watered than sociological theories and they have expanded the constructionist understanding of security. In addition to the role of speech act, they have talked about the role of context in strengthening or weakening security, they want to pay more attention to the role of the audience in the process of security, and present a more complex and complete picture of security.They also try to improve the applicability of this theory by focusing on methodological issues. However, the hybrid nature of the theory, its context, methodological problems and some neglected aspects of the theory are among the most important challenges that have created problems for it in the field of opinion and practice.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 60 - Serial Number 3
Autumn 2023
December 2023
Pages 107-136
  • Receive Date: 12 June 2023
  • Revise Date: 09 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2023
  • Publish Date: 22 December 2023