Analyzing the reason for the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime and its consequences on the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 ihu

2 faculty regional studies


change in Iran's surrounding environment during the last decade, such as the uncertainty in the future of Iran's nuclear activity, the new West's assessment of the developments in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen, which was the result of the development of influence and in line with Iran's national interests, some countries especially As an ideological rival of Iran, Saudi Arabia provided the ground for a change of attitude and renewal of relations with Israel, and led to the revelation of past secret relations. the new environment of the region where agreements have been formed between the two countries of Iran and Arabia, the issue of normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel is still an important case to be investigated and monitoring the effects of normalization is an inevitable necessity. Islamic Republic of Iran has created, it will also create opportunities for the Islamic Republic of Iran to exploit it for its goals and interests. This article, with an analytical-descriptive approach and using the approach of regional alliance and alliance building in the theory of realism and by stating a background of informal relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel and counting the factors affecting the expansion of relations between the two actors in recent years, in addition to Dealing with the influencing factors on the normalization project explains the results and consequences that outline the coordinates of the normalization of relations with Israel, which is also pursued in the form of the Ibrahim agreement, for the Islamic Republic of Iran


Main Subjects

Smiley face

Volume 16, Issue 58 - Serial Number 1
Spring 1402
July 2023
Pages 191-223
  • Receive Date: 28 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 13 May 2023
  • Accept Date: 23 July 2023
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2023