Examining Israel’s Omni-balancing Strategy Towards the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University


Establishing “strategic relationship” and forming “alliance” with big powers, particularly the U.S., building sphere of influence or “strategic depth” and establishing close relations with Iran’s neighbers are parts of the Zionist regime’s behavior pattern in foreign policy to balance, contain and weaken the Islamic Republic.
Israel considers Republic of Azerbaijan and Iraq’s Kurdish region as its strategic depth. By signing the Abraham Accords, it has worked to find a foothold in Iran’s southern borders. Azerbaijan and Iraqi Kurdistan for Israel are equal to the role Syria and Lebanon play for Iran.
But Israel has not sufficed to “balance of power” and “balance of threat”. It has worked to challenge the Islamic Republic by supporting Iranian separatists and provoking ethnic divisions in Iran. These actions plus focusing on internal vulnerabilities to weaken the rival are in line with “omni-balancing” strategy.
The key goal of this research is to answer this question: What are the components of the Zionist regime’s “omni-balancing” strategy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran, and which of them are of priority for Israel?
This research has employed “qualitative method” and has used “omni-balancing” theory to explore the issue.
The findings of the research show that defective state-building and nation-building, which are the characteristics of the Middle East, have encouraged Iran and Israel to pursue “omni-balancing.”
This research concludes that forming alliance with regional states and global powers, enhancing military might, building strategic depth, intelligence penetration and inciting ethnic divisions in Iran are priorities of Israel’s “omni-balancing” strategy.


Main Subjects

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Volume 16, Issue 58 - Serial Number 1
Spring 1402
July 2023
Pages 161-189
  • Receive Date: 16 March 2023
  • Revise Date: 14 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 23 July 2023
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2023