The causes and effects of martyrdom operations in the occupied territories; A case study of martyrdom operations in March and April 2022

Document Type : Original Article


1 Expert researcher of modern terrorism/Imam Hussein Comprehensive University.

2 Researcher of Imam Hossein University


The current article is based on the hypothesis that "the brutal and increasing crimes of the Zionist regime, the heavy silence of the world powers claiming human rights, the betrayal of the Arab countries and the lack of a clear vision for the resolution of the conflict and the end of the occupation, cause frustration and Palestinians have become desperate for other ways to obtain their rights, and as a result, martyrdom operations have become an irreplaceable option for them and a reaction to the right. From the point of view of some non-Islamic experts and analysts, there is no difference between martyrdom operations and suicide operations, but many Shia and Sunni jurists consider this type of operation to be an example of defensive jihad and they have rules and conditions for it that distinguish it from operations. Suicide distinguishes. The current research, with the descriptive-analytical method and library data collection tool, based on the theoretical framework of "asymmetric or unequal battle" and also with the case study of the martyrdom operations of March and April 2022 in the occupied territories and the analysis of the latest data The relevant statistic has raised and examined "achievements and messages resulting from martyrdom operations in the occupied territories" as the main question. The results of the research show that martyrdom-seeking or martyrdom actions, while being fundamentally different from suicide operations, as a strategic option and an asymmetric method, for the Zionist regime have widespread anti-security effects such as creating fear, terror and feeling Permanent insecurity, the escape of Zionists and the increase of reverse migration, the flight of capital and the reduction of investment, the paralysis of the tourism and tourism industry, the reduction of the image and credibility of the Israeli government inside, the collapse of the myth of the invincibility of the intelligence agencies and making the Zionists cautious. compared to their actions and crimes. According to Israeli leaders, the biggest danger that threatens this regime right now is not from ballistic missiles but from trained and stubborn forces that various Palestinian groups have sent in the context of sending martyrdom-seeking youths to the depths of this regime's fortifications. and it shakes its body.


Main Subjects

Smiley face

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Volume 16, Issue 58 - Serial Number 1
Spring 1402
July 2023
Pages 109-159
  • Receive Date: 04 September 2022
  • Revise Date: 12 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 23 July 2023
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2023