Presenting the Model of Social Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the Discourse of Imam Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Science, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


Social security as one of the requirements of human society has always been warned as one of the concerns of the Supreme Leader in the form of measures, menus, etc. on various occasions, which with scientific consideration and explanation in these orders, models, models and strategies Social security is formulated and extracted which can, in addition to stability, stability and institutionalization of social security in society, help to manage and neutralize the social threats of the enemy; Therefore, the main issue of the research is the lack of a social security model consistent with the Supreme Leader's intellectual system. What is the social security model consistent with the Supreme Leader's intellectual system? This is an applied and developmental research that has been done with the foundation data method; In this method, His Holiness Leh's discourse has not been studied in full; Rather, the researcher has entered the discussion entry by counting 110 related keywords, with the help of experts; In the process of conducting the research, the researcher has prepared and distributed questionnaires entitled "Theoretical Sensitivity" from 20 experts in this field in a purposeful manner to the saturation stage. The model of Mr. Khanfir et al. Has been used to compile the model. The main findings of this research in the form of results and consequences of the model are: social justice, psychological security, moral security, sense of comfort, social order and social security.
Social security as one of the requirements of human society has always been warned as one of the concerns of the Supreme Leader in the form of measures, menus, etc. on various occasions, which with scientific consideration and explanation in these orders, models, models and strategies Social security is formulated and extracted which can, in addition to stability, stability and institutionalization of social security in society, help to manage and neutralize the social threats of the enemy; Therefore, the main issue of the research is the lack of a social security model consistent with the Supreme Leader's intellectual system. What is the social security model consistent with the Supreme Leader's intellectual system? It is a research question.
This is an applied and developmental research that has been done with the foundation data method; In this method, His Holiness Leh's discourse has not been studied in full; Rather, the researcher has entered the discussion entry by counting 110 related keywords, with the help of experts; In the process of conducting the research, the researcher has prepared and distributed questionnaires entitled "Theoretical Sensitivity" from 20 experts in this field in a purposeful manner to the saturation stage. The model of Mr. Khanfir et al. Has been used to compile the model. The main findings of this research in the form of results and consequences of the model are: social justice, psychological security, moral security, sense of comfort, social order and social security.


Smiley face

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Volume 15, Issue 54
Spring Quarterly
May 2022
Pages 173-195
  • Receive Date: 21 July 2021
  • Revise Date: 17 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 24 January 2022
  • Publish Date: 22 May 2022