The Analysis of the Pattern of Resistance in the Thinking of the Islamic Revolution and Hezbollah in Lebanon Based on the Theory of Power Balance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor , faculty member of the Department of Psychology, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran


Since the Islamic world is the strategic depth of the Islamic Revolution, deep and serious attention to the development of Islamic movements and the application of 'unity diplomacy' in the face of domination plans of the system of domination seems to be a strategic necessity. In this regard, the purpose of the present study is to 'analyze the supportive thinking and the model of unity and coalition of the Islamic Revolution and the focus of resistance to Hezbollah in Lebanon'. What is Islam of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and how can the reasons for the formation of unity and coalition and a resilient pattern? According to the hypothesis, the article considers the main reason for the protectionist policy to be denial of domination and understand threats from the Zionist and Western regime\/arrogance. In a more sense, the issue of supporting the Islamic Revolution for freedom movements and movements is rooted in geopolitical and ideological, valuable and identity. The findings of the study indicate the mutual cooperation of Iran -Hezbollah and the positive results of this cooperation; Because, on the one hand, emphasizes the importance of the Islamic Republic of Iran in preserving Hezbollah's existence and power. And on the other hand, it is argued that if the actor (Movement), like Hezbollah, had no resistance to Iran, now the Islamic Republic is now in a much more difficult conditions to confront the threats of the Zionist regime, the United States, their Western allies and countries. Conservatives are facing the region and have led to security risks that have led to the increase in the resistance and increased Iran's national security. Therefore, the pattern of dealing with the system of domination is the pattern of anti -system interactionism through the cooperation of government and non -governmental units, relying on value -identity sharing, to confront and contain domineers and occupiers.


Smiley face

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Volume 15, Issue 54
Spring Quarterly
May 2022
Pages 43-67
  • Receive Date: 22 September 2021
  • Revise Date: 30 January 2022
  • Accept Date: 05 February 2022
  • Publish Date: 22 May 2022