Creating Security in the Light of Managing the Conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


. PhD and lecturer at Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


   Iran and Saudi Arabia, due to their ideological and geopolitical coordinates, have always been two important and influential countries in the region. In this process, the relations between the two countries have become a complex and challenging issue due to the security conflict and their role in regional developments. Due to the symmetry of spheres of influence and ideological friction, as well as geopolitical affiliations based on the acquisition of power and the consolidation of hegemony, they have always created a continuous level of tension. Iran and Saudi Arabia have kept the horizon of relations in a sinusoidal state, despite many areas of convergence, and as a result of a threatening understanding of the other. Assuming the tense relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, this study deals with how to manage the conflict, which mainly focuses on reducing tensions. The question of this research is how can the existing conflict be managed or resolved? In terms of research type, this research is descriptive-explanatory, in terms of methodology based on data type, quality and method of data is a library, and the method of data analysis is content analysis. The results show that the conflict between them is due to the wide range of ideological and geopolitical approaches in the region. Conducting bilateral strategic cases based on normative realities and Islamic commonalities provides the basis for convergence in the macro perspective.


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Volume 14, Issue 53
Winter Quarterly
February 2022
Pages 153-191
  • Receive Date: 25 April 2021
  • Revise Date: 25 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 25 December 2021
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2022