Media as a Tool to Securitize the Islamic Republic of Iran based on US Congressional Documents

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: Full Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PH.D Candidate in Iran-Related Issues, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Media as a tool to securitize the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the US Congressional Documents.After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1978, the United States did its utmost to undermine the Islamic-revolutionary identity of the Islamic Republic. The most important US action is to securitize Iran on the world scene. In this process, the United States, as a security actor, has used the media as a functional and facilitating actor to persuade public opinion, consensus among official actors, and take action against Iran. The question is, how has the United States used media tools to secure Iran? The hypothesis is that the United States has facilitated the process of securitizing Iran by enacting policies for the media and their financial support. In the first decade of the revolution, persuading American and world public opinion was on the agenda. In the second decade, this tool was used to persuade public opinion to reach a consensus against Iran. In the third decade, a consensus was formed to act and change the beliefs and attitudes of the Iranian people with the aim of bringing them together to change the system and impose international sanctions on Iran. In the fourth decade, media tools were used to consolidate and strengthen the security process in persuasion, consensus and action. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1978, the United States did its utmost to undermine the Islamic-revolutionary identity of the Islamic Republic. The most important US action is to securitize Iran on the world scene. In this process, the United States, as a security actor, has used the media as a functional and facilitating actor to persuade public opinion, consensus among official actors, and take action against Iran. The question is, how has the United States used media tools to secure Iran? The hypothesis is that the United States has facilitated the process of securitizing Iran by enacting policies for the media and their financial support. In the first decade of the revolution, persuading American and world public opinion was on the agenda. In the second decade, this tool was used to persuade public opinion to reach a consensus against Iran. In the third decade, a consensus was formed to act and change the beliefs and attitudes of the Iranian people with the aim of bringing them together to change the system and impose international sanctions on Iran. In the fourth decade, media tools were used to consolidate and strengthen the security process in persuasion, consensus and action.


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Volume 14, Issue 51 - Serial Number 51
Summer Quarterly
September 2021
Pages 127-149
  • Receive Date: 01 November 2020
  • Revise Date: 13 September 2021
  • Accept Date: 22 June 2021
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2021