Criminal Liability of Flying Automatic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles from the View of International Humanitarian Law

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini University of Marine Sciences, Nowshahr, Iran


The development and use of robotic systems and the enhancement of their independence have paved the way for their being used as weapons in armed conflicts. Meanwhile, the use of automatic UAVs, which are able to fight targets on time without human control, have raised serious concerns about individual criminal liability and compliance with international humanitarian law. In this respect, some NGOs have called for the entire banning of the development, production and use of such automatic weapons. Considering the concept of meaningful human control and emphasizing human presence in all stages, from manufacturing to the use of automatic devices for armed conflict, this study is aimed at solving the challenge of criminal responsibility. Therefore, in case of violation of the fundamentals of humanitarian law, individual criminal responsibility and even joint responsibility will be raised against the involved people such as the programmers, designers, combatants and commanders. Hence, the use of such devices without human control or supervision is prohibited, and the responsibilities of individuals in the use of automated devices cannot be denied at all. All in all, the issue of meaningful human control conveys that individuals must establish connection to this type of devices, and in case of violation of the fundamentals of humanitarian law, the criminal responsibility will be raised against people associated with this type of devices.


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Volume 13, Issue 49
Winter Quarterly
February 2021
Pages 29-54
  • Receive Date: 13 April 2020
  • Accept Date: 18 October 2020
  • Publish Date: 20 January 2021