The Defensive Diplomacy Model of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Making Security and Deepening the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in regional studies, Imam Hussein Comprehensive University


This research is aimed at designing the model of defense diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for creating security and deepening the Islamic Revolution. The statistical population of this study included three groups containing scientific experts of university professors, staff managers of the armed forces and specialists from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The sample was selected on the basis of targeted sampling method. The sample included 18 people including 6 scientific experts, 6 staff commanders, and 6 experts in political and defensive affairs. The data were collected by both library method, for studying research literature and background, and field method, for gathering sample group’s opinions. Data collection tools contained note taking in the library method, and in-depth interviews in the field study. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that this model comprised three dimensions at national, regional and international levels. The national dimension contained 8 components including strengthening and developing defense capabilities and preparedness, converting threats into opportunities, diversifying approaches and instruments of defense diplomacy, facilitating security perceptions and strategic defense imaginations, strengthening unity and empathy, developing dynamicity and agility for the Ministry of Defense in the structural and administrative areas, professional and spiritual empowerment of the Armed Forces personnel, and aligning the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with defense diplomacy . The regional dimension contained 8 components including enhancing coordination with the armies of the aligned countries, making use of the teachings of Islam and the revolution in defensive relationships and interactions, making an attempt to manage regional crises, physical and spiritual support for the Islamic Awakening movements, strengthening unity among Islamic countries, having defense in strategic depth, trying to protect resistance groups against influence and having futurist defense. The international dimension covered seven components including developing international defense cooperation, managing international crises, strategic multilateralism, fighting against dominating systems, control of conflict through defensive consultation, use of public diplomacy for the purpose of legitimizing defensive diplomacy and seeking global positions.


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Volume 13, Issue 48
November 2020
Pages 203-248
  • Receive Date: 03 May 2020
  • Revise Date: 31 October 2020
  • Accept Date: 25 August 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2020