Diplomacy of Movements and the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Roadmap and Forthcoming Problems

Document Type : Original Article


Deputy Minister of Education and Research


The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has played a great role in shaping the country's foreign and international relations regarding the diplomacy of movements since the early days of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Notifying such a role in the Iranian constitution gradually led to the establishment of governmental entities such as the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, whose main mission is to support the liberation movements and pro-resistance governments all around the world. This important role can be fulfilled in an interaction and cooperation with other formal and legal structures of the country. However, after four decades of the formation of the Islamic Republic and in the early years of the second step of the revolution, it seems that this goal has not been the subject of serious research and scientific measures properly. Moreover, the roadmap has not been designed yet due to the problem which have appeared. The main purpose of this research is to study and analyze this problem and to explain the conceptual and theoretical framework of resistance and its strong status in the constitution, and to investigate the relationship between diplomacy of movements and foreign policy. Moreover, this research is intended to assess the application of the diplomacy of movements in the field of foreign policy in the proposed roadmap framework. The qualitative research follows descriptive-explanatory method. Library, internet, documentary and field studies are used for data collection. Content analysis and measuring the validity are employed for data analysis. The results revealed that movement diplomacy in line with the value system and national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing the establishment of an axis of resistance at the regional and international level through localization of resistance. This is performed and managed in a proposed roadmap consisting of a six-stage format including the creation of discourses, networks, procedures, movements, systems, and civilization. Of course, the realization of the roadmap requires paying attention to the issues and challenges facing the diplomacy of movements, which will be discussed in the final part of this essay.


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Volume 13, Issue 48
November 2020
Pages 163-202
  • Receive Date: 07 July 2020
  • Revise Date: 26 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 18 October 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2020