The Influence of American Think Tanks on Trump Administration's Foreign Policy against the Regional Presence of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor in regional studies at the University of Tehran

2 Corresponding author: PhD candidate of the study of America


Think tanks are known as the fourth force besides the media in America. Containing elites and knowledgeable experts in policy-making, with the increasing influence that they impose on the policy making, especially that of foreign policy, these think tanks are regarded as influential variables in this field. They have changed the decision-making of this government. One of the areas of interest and priority for these think tanks in America, during the past decades, has been the foreign policy of the West Asia, where various events such as the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the establishment of the Resistance Front, and strengthening of combative groups against the Zionist regime have taken place,. Iranian regional policy, or as they call it regional influence, is now being considered by American think tanks, and they are trying to control and limit it by resorting to various solutions. Hence, the main question of this research is: “What kind of policies have American think tanks proposed against the regional roles of Iran, and how have they affected the foreign policy of this country?” The proposed hypothesis suggests that while a number of American think tanks advocate a policy of engagement with Iran in relation to Iran's regional activities, they are also following a policy of control in this regard. Furthermore, the policy of overturning Iranian regime has also been supported by some members of American think tanks. This descriptive-analytical research has used library studies for data collection.


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Volume 13, Issue 48
November 2020
Pages 105-137
  • Receive Date: 21 May 2020
  • Revise Date: 17 August 2020
  • Accept Date: 18 October 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 October 2020