The Conceptual Model of Influence from the Viewpoint of Imam Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member at the Department of Islamic Knowledge and Political Sciences, Imam Sadegh University

2 Corresponding author: PhD candidate in political sciences, Iran Issues, Imam Sadegh University


Engineering of the minds of the followers of a political actor, making deviation in decision-making processes and forming the decisions of political entities for supporting the interests of the opponents is one of the most important and common strategies in the contemporary politics. From the very beginning of its victory. The holy state of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has constantly encountered with such assertive evil opponents of the Iranian nation. “Influence project" is the most vital and efficient of these enmities. Recognition of the nature, foundations and conceptual infrastructures of the plans of external influence are considered as the first strategic steps for a structured confrontation with the malicious plans of the world dominating powers in the field of influence. Regarding such a strategy, this research is aimed at designing a theoretical model for the concept of influence through content analysis and a network of themes within the framework of Imam Khamenei's intellectual system. The main question of the research is: "What are the characteristics of the concept of influence from the viewpoints of Imam Khamenei, and which model can be applied for its analysis?" To answer the question, the researchers tried to identify the outstanding propositions in his statements by referring to elites. Then, the theoretical model of the research was designed by content analysis method. The findings of the research indicated that the conceptual system of influence from the viewpoint of Imam Khamenei encompasses four components including the study of bases, aspects, agencies, and goals, which are significantly related to one other in the framework of his intellectual system. By defining these relationships, a conceptual model of external influence was designed on the basis of the Supreme Leader’s thought.


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- 12/05/1398
- 13/05/1398
- 13/05/1398
Volume 13, Issue 47
Summer Quarterly
August 2020
Pages 5-32
  • Receive Date: 02 September 2019
  • Revise Date: 26 April 2020
  • Accept Date: 03 May 2020
  • Publish Date: 22 July 2020