Analyzing the Military-Security Factors Affecting the Future of Iran-Turkey Relations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran

2 Researcher, Imam Hussein Comprehensive University


Iran-Turkey military-security relations have never been equal to the economic, political and even cultural relations between the two countries. But recent developments in the Turkish military, the failed coup in Turkey and Iran''s support for the Turkish government, along with active Iranian defense diplomacy, have changed the course of military cooperation slightly. Given that the rapid pace of change in relations between countries and the lack of attitude and understanding of the future of relations will cause a reaction and not an action, the present study seeks to answer the question of which military-security factors on the future of relations. Iran and Turkey affect the 10-year horizon? This research is practical in terms of exploratory nature. In this study, military-security variables affecting the future of relations between the two countries were identified, then based on the opinions of experts, the variables affecting Iran-Turkey relations were identified and their importance and uncertainty were determined. Turkey''s military cooperation with the United States, Turkey''s military cooperation with the Zionist regime, cooperation and differences in the Syrian security crisis, and Iran-Turkey rivalry in the Caucasus security arrangements are key military factors affecting the future of Iran-Turkey relations.


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Volume 13, Issue 46
Spring Quarterly
May 2020
Pages 6-26
  • Receive Date: 22 April 2020
  • Revise Date: 04 May 2020
  • Accept Date: 05 May 2020
  • Publish Date: 20 April 2020