The Achievements of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance in the Thought System of Sayyyed Hassan Nasrollah and Its Effects on the Security of the Axis of Resistance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University

2 Corresponding author: Assistant professor of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University


Understanding the context of priority and the security of the movements are essential issues requiring serious consideration. The nature of the Lebanese Islamic resistance and its special security situation, an outstanding achievement, have been deeply considered by Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah. This issue has been regarded as a goal and an indicator in this study. This research is intended to investigate the achievements of Lebanese movement as the main concern. Employing a mixed method, including quantitative and qualitative methods, this research has tried to answer the question. The achievements are explained in the qualitative phase and the effects are investigated in the quantitative phase. The qualitative section is based on thematic analysis, and the quantitative part, including data collection, is carried out through questionnaires, for the analysis of which statistical techniques of Spearman correlation coefficient, simple linear regression test (two-dimensional) and multiple regression test, step-by-step analysis have been employed. The findings of the qualitative results of this research have been summarized and described in the form of tables including basic themes and organizer themes. Five main themes including superiority of spiritual factors, strong structure, superiority of intelligence and security, playing a regional role, and making use of the support of a regional power were identified.  These five components are the most important security achievements. Moreover, the quantitative effect of each of these components on the resistance axis have been assessed and the results of each are presented.


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Volume 12, Issue 44
November 2019
Pages 6-33
  • Receive Date: 11 June 2019
  • Revise Date: 05 April 2020
  • Accept Date: 06 April 2020
  • Publish Date: 23 October 2019