An Investigation of US-Saudi Security Dealings on the Basis of the Theory of Neo-Behaviorism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor of political geography, Kharazmi University

2 Ph.D. candidate of political geography, University of Tehran


According to the theory of neo-behaviorism, the concept of security concerns cultural element more than other elements, and considers iconographic constructions such as history and culture, as essential factors of stabilizing security. Moreover, the significance of the concept of power in this theory gives a multi-dimensional and hierarchical concept to security. Therefore, the convergent security behaviors of the United States and Saudi Arabia, which was established since 2011, and extended to strategic levels since 2017, after presidential changes in America, are investigated in several respects. These dimensions include fundamental issues such as hegemony, ideology and culture. According to the theory of neo-behaviorism, lack of established cultural structures, and the ideological accumulation are important features that signify vulnerability of security of a country. Employing a descriptive-analytical method, this study tries to answer two questions regarding how the increasing security measures of Saudi Arabia in the region can be explained, and what its increasing security relationship with the United States, especially after Donald Tramp, will bring about. The results designate that concepts such as ideological dependence, the loss of historical background of nation-state situation, the deficiency in soft-cultural identities and single-party power determine and justify Saudi’s growing external environmental security. In other words, using its ideological shortcomings, Saudi Arabia tries to exploit conflicts in the external environment to fill the historical and cultural gap in its nation-state background. Consequently, security behaviors and hard power are being reproduced in the Persian Gulf region and West Asia.


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Volume 11, Issue 39
January 2019
Pages 191-210
  • Receive Date: 14 July 2018
  • Revise Date: 09 October 2018
  • Accept Date: 09 October 2018
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2018