Territory Development by Saudi Arabia and Its Regional Threats: Focus on the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD of Political Geography, researcher at the Research Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

2 Corresponding author: assistant professor at the Department of political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Shiraz University.


The Middle East has always been regarded as a strategically important region in many aspects throughout its history, and has received more attention in recent centuries. On the other hand, it has been the most unstable region in the world, and the most susceptible geographical area of ​​generating and nurturing various terrorist groups in recent decades. All these are the results of rivalries and developmental regional and trans-regional attempts. Since its establishment (1932 AD), Saudi Arabia has always pursued its policy of increased domination and influence over a wider region. These attempts intensified significantly after the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, with the support of the Western powers and the enormous income derived from oil sales. Employing descriptive-analytical method, this research is intended to investigate the regional threats and consequences of territory development in the region and especially against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main discussion of the authors of this paper maintains that the subjective and objective domination of Saudi Arabia are the main cause of instability, tensions, spread of terrorism and extremism in the region, triggering sectarian conflicts, increase of military and weaponry rivalries, and instability in national territories. Saudi Arabia also aims at creating religious division and conflicts in the country, undermining national identity, creating ethnic conflicts, expanding and supporting terrorist groups, and striving to isolate and reduce the regional influence of Iran, consolidating the fake Zionist regime, weakening the resistance axis, establishing political and military alliance against Iran, trying to make use of economic pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran by exploiting the advantages of rising and falling oil prices, and attempting to reduce the strategic position of the of Hormuz Strait to insert the most severe attempts and threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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Volume 11, Issue 39
January 2019
Pages 165-190
  • Receive Date: 24 April 2018
  • Revise Date: 15 September 2018
  • Accept Date: 29 September 2018
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2018