Scientific Validation of External Deepening Model of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor of political sociology, Imam Sadegh University

2 Faculty member of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University


Deepening is a new term for a constant mission for revolutionary institutions, especially for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), which the strategic leaders and thinkers of the Islamic Revolution made efforts to achievement it in both internal and external dimensions. However, despite the enormous guidelines of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in this regard, lack of an appropriate and scientifically valid model at the level of the Islamic Revolution and based on these guidelines, caused the policymakers to compensate for this deficiency. They aimed at extending their values ​​in the far setting and increase the scope of their work in various environments, confine the threats against the national security, and optimize the situation for the fulfillment of national security interests. To achieve the goal, this purposive research, which follows mixed method in terms of data collection, provides scientific validity for the model of the external deepening at Islamic Revolution level. Employing grounded theory as research strategy, the researchers reviewed all the guidelines of the Supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution to collect the data required for the validity of the model. Maxxidae12 qualitative analysis software was employed to design a graph containing aspects, dimensions, and components of that concept, and to validate it in two steps. In the first step, Delphi method was used and seven experts were asked to comment on the graphical representation of the final model. The outcome of this step was a model at three levels of "exporting the revolution", "reflections of the revolution" and "the expansion of the Islamic Revolution", which were designed including 24 components in 4 dimensions of “requirements for the modeling of the revolution", "the possibilities of the modeling of the revolution", "requirements for creating movements", and "expanding revolutionary discourse". Then, the output model of the first stage was validated in a sample of 24 experts of the research sample. At this stage, the results of the CVR ratio of Lauxh test confirmed the validity of the model. However, the results of Friedman test and its rational coefficient showed that the component of "dedication to divine people" at 95% confidence level was not statistically significant. Therefore, the model containing the remaining 23 components was presented as a model for external deepening of the Islamic revolution derived from political thought of the Supreme Leader. The results also indicated that the components of the “ideals of Palestine ", "struggling arrogance" and "organizational attempts before the victory”, and “systematization” after the success of the movements" play the most significant role in the external deepening of the Islamic Revolution in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments.


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Volume 11, Issue 39
January 2019
Pages 5-38
  • Receive Date: 03 July 2018
  • Revise Date: 25 December 2018
  • Accept Date: 11 March 2019
  • Publish Date: 23 August 2018