nature of response patterns to emergency situations with an emphasis on the constitution of islamic republic of iran


" emergency situations " , as a mechanism to prevent some human rights and fundamental entities , is a recognized institution in almost all legal and legal systems . there is no country in the world , regardless of the political or social system or level of economic development , which is safe from severe emergencies , tensions , crises , riots , political and social unrest , natural disasters , environmental disasters , etc. human history testifies that whenever a society 's entity is threatened with a serious threat , it has continually reacted to that threatening threat , and in this confrontation , the community has adopted certain , unusual and unusual measures . from the perspective of fundamental rights , the response patterns to these situations , from the perspective of these answers to the principle of rule of law , can be divided into two types of legal response and extra - judicial responses . in this article , the concept of " " emergency situations " " and the patterns of response to these situations in the knowledge of fundamental rights , in general , and fundamental rights of iran , in particular , and review them .
