.International Law Capacities for Economic Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran Against US Sanctions


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadegh University


One of the most important goals of the United Nations was the maintenance of international peace and security and the development of friendly relations between the nations on the basis of respect for the principle of equality of rights and sovereignty of the United Nations. The UN Charter has prohibited not only the use of force in international affairs, but also the threat of it, while the US government has taken a forceful approach to the Iranian nation since the early years of its founding. It has imposed a variety of pressures, including economic pressures on Iran. The United States has directly and indirectly endangered the Iranian nation's assets and economic interests by imposing unilateral sanctions and violating judicial immunity. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, citing international documents and practices, this article evaluates two of the most important adversarial actions of the US government against the economic interests of the Iranian government and nation, namely the imposition of judicial rulings and legal remedies to respond to them from the perspective of international law. And it has been concluded that these actions, in addition to violating the requirements of international law, are also in breach of the United States' contractual obligations to Iran, and in addition to general international law mechanisms, the Iranian government has also adopted specific and specific mechanisms for responding to and responding to conduct. Offensive You have the United.




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Volume 8, Issue 29 - Serial Number 29
September 2020
Pages 115-134
  • Receive Date: 27 September 2016
  • Revise Date: 23 July 2019
  • Accept Date: 19 September 2018
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2016